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WRITE IN Joshua Pietrowicz for Maine House 104

Republicans and Independents of New Gloucester and West Gray: On June 11th, PLEASE WRITE IN "Joshua James Pietrowicz" for Maine House 104 Republican Party Nomination

How Can I Help?

We would love for you to get involved and help us out! There are many different aspects to a campaign, so no matter where you feel your skill set lies, we could use your helping hand somewhere along the journey!

We want to thank you for your willingness to help and support Joshua in this campaign! 


There are two forms of donations, "money" and "in kind" donations.

Money donations are the more common type of donations where you can give up to $475 (cash or check payable to "Joshua Pietrowicz for Maine House 104"). We appreciate any amount you are able to give.

In kind donations are donations of goods, such as donating water bottles to hand out in a parade. This is a common way for businesses to give their support, but not limited to only businesses. If you would prefer to give an in kind donation; small American flags and water bottles are always great contributions to a political campaign!

Joshua is running this campaign traditionally, which means we can take donations from anyone as long as we get their address, name, and employer/job. Joshua is passionate about funding his campaign in this way because it avoids using tax payers money. 


There are so many different ways to help out in a campaign, and one of the most helpful ways is to volunteer your time. We could use your help with door knocking, putting out signs, helping prepare for parades, helping in the parades, writing thank you cards, and so much more! 

Feel free to message to Joshua himself, (207)740-7463, to see how you can volunteer! The saying is very true: "many hands make light work", anything you're able to do to help, we appreciate it so much! We know how precious your time is and we are grateful for your willingness in giving us that gift.

Joshua in Parade
Joshua's Sportsman sign
Joshua's Sportsman sign
Joshua's Mom volunteering as a driver in parade
Joshua and Emily with giant bags of popcorn
Joshua filling popcorn to prepare for parade




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